Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Bonfire Bash

Some sweet friends' son just celebrated his 10th birthday and we were invited to a hot dog and marshmallow campfire celebration! Our three families had a nice time fellowshipping and the children had a great time helping to build the fire, roasting hot dogs and breaking the pinata..

Mrs R. who used to be a hair dresser, gave out some free haircuts. Here she is graciously
giving me some tips on how to cut Grady's hair.. :-) 
 Cutting hair just may be my *least* favorite chore..

meanwhile outside the children build the fire!

Gracie takes a turn
 at the pinata
Now it's Laura's turn!
We had such a wonderful time with special friends!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Birthday Dinner

Ashley Elizabeth was born in Seattle at 7:47 pm on October 15, 1991. She was adored from the beginning and was one tool in the Lord's hand to bring Grady and I to Himself. She is a precious child of Jesus who has a deep burden for the persecuted church.. you can read her newest post on her blog http://servantforjesus.blogspot.com/

Also, here is a link to a blog post I did in 2009 when she turned 18. It tells of my miracle pregnancy and her miraculous birth. She was supposed to be aborted.. but the Lord had other plans for this precious child of His!  http://mcdonaldhomesteadhappenings.blogspot.com/2009/10/birthday-that-almost-wasnt.html
Our family is so blessed to have this precious child of His in our family. We are privileged to be her parents and are encouraged daily by her devotion to the Lord and her family. We love you ASHLEY!
                                                           Happy 22nd Birthday Sweetheart!

The original 'McDonald Family'

We ate Rye's 8 pounder salmon for her special birthday dinner!
Ryan and Grant read the little girls books while Mandy and I prepared the meal
Salmon, green salad, rice and au gratin potatoes! Mmmm

A beautiful and delicious pumpkin spice cake, made by sister Mandy

There were a LOT of candles to light and blow out! :-)

Happy Birthday Sweetheart!

Best Friends

For her birthday, Ashley requested taking a walk with Mandy, Ryan and Grant.. It is such a blessing that the four of them remain best friends! We are also so blessed to have had the privilege of parenting our special 'Ashy'! We love her so much!
Miss Ashley Elizabeth, Age 22
These lovely woods border our rental's property
Grant and Ash
Ash and Rye

Mimi, age 19
Ryan, age 15
Grant, age 11
Bestest Friends

Friday, October 18, 2013

Autumn Nature Walk

Despite the busyness around us, we determined to take a family walk before the weather changes all together and all of the leaves fell.. we are blessed enough to have a service road right at the bottom of our driveway. We purposed an early dinner and headed out! Down the driveway and onto the service road which heads up a hill and eventually leads close to an enormous lake.
the maple tree in the front of our house is in the process of dropping all of her lovely leaves

off we go!

We found that the blackberry leaves were some of the prettiest finds of the day!

While exploring in the gully near the creek, Ryan finds a beaver-chewed log to show the family

The girls touch the gnawed wood.. amazed that beaver teeth could make such marks!
There are many beaver living in the pond near us..



Our four lovely ladies
What are we all looking at here?

Claw marks left by a bear? Not sure.. but that was the consensus..
Here comes the bear now!!!!! :-)


We enjoyed examining these lovely mushrooms...

As the sun sets, we start back down the hill toward home..

The view up top is gorgeous!

Laura gets a closer look... what a lovely evening of nature and exploring God's creation!
From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the LORD'S name is to be praised.
Psalm 113:3