Thursday, August 1, 2019

A Celebration of Life

Our four oldest children had the honor of singing 'When Peace Like a River' for our precious Nonnie's memorial. It sounded so beautiful! It was a lovely day and an amazing tribute to an amazing woman. It was especially sweet to see the numerous crib quilts that she had made through the years for her grandchildren, displayed in the sanctuary. Some of them were over 25 years, tattered and worn. 'Well loved' just as Nonnie would have wanted. She left a legacy of love..and will be missed by so many. I pray that God would use me in the lives of my children and Lord willing my grandchildren like he used her in ours. 'Nonnie, don't forget how very much we love you'..

Grandpa Wittenberg, his children and families September 2018

Barb, her children and families

McDonald Family September 2018

School Year 2018-2019

I spent most of the summer of 2018 researching the Charlotte Mason Method of schooling.. hours of research and more research and preparations. We were very excited to get started! We had already implemented nature studies throughout the spring and summer but it was fun to be also adding in French lessons, Plutarch, and Shakespeare. So excited to begin learning how to spread a wide 'feast' before my students! Very blessed to find CM!

It took me like a month to get super, super organized! :-) It was worth it though! 

Precious Moments with the Littlest Two!

A fun stay at the beach with mom and dad! Grady had gotten a gift certificate from work which we finally were able to redeem! They put us up in a *very* nice hotel in Newport. We felt so spoiled!


Even though he was working some pretty late hours after harvest, he always would read the girls a story before bedtime! What a good daddy!