Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Spring is in the Air!

Sky's babies finally arrive! One adorable brown male
And an amazingly adorable chocolate brown female
Ryan built the family this great chicken coop out of scrap metal and some osb
The tiny Silver Wyandotte chicks were terrified at first.. but settled in quickly to their spacious place
Rye organizes a painting party

Grace 'helps' Grant with cleaning out bunny cages..
Sleeping on the job!

The girls pay a visit to the goat pen
Spree loves giving kisses!
The girls were thrilled to hold baby Stormy- Ash named her that since she was born during a very wild winter wind storm! ;-)
Ok Daisy, your turn to give birth!
The wait seemed endless.. but finally one morning...
Voila! Baby Brisket was found next to mama in the barn at chore time! Finally!

Half dexter and half Jersey, we were hoping for a 'mini Jersey' heifer baby.. but farm raised beef in the fall will be nice too!


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Grant's Baptism!

After repenting and turning to Jesus, Grant had a sincere desire to seal his salvation with baptism. As a wonderful addition to his Baptism day, he was able to be baptized with his close friend Timothy King. We are so blessed to see our youngest son born again and walking into this new life in Christ Jesus. Please join us in prayer for him as he has just begun this Christian life. As the end nears and the times grow darker, only our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ can offer what the world cannot.. Please pray that Grant would continue to choose life and the narrow way. Praise the LORD!

Visitors, Cabelas and Saying Goodbye


There was a week in January here in Lebanon, OR which just CALLED for leisurely walks along our country road.. the sun was so warm that some of us went without coats.. so pretty! 
Our friends the Kings had come over for the afternoon on this particular day and they suggested a stroll..
Then a lot of gabbing afterwards of course, just like old times!
The girls and Rye took a nice walk also that week. It was a blessing that Mandy was up to it

Daddy got a $100 gift card to Cabelas from work for Christmas! Did he spend it on himself? No! He bought me a ceramic cast iron pan (a beautiful blue!) and a knife sharpener for the boys.. oh and a Cabelas football
This photo cracks me up because it looks like Ryan has antlers growing out of his head!
Our friends, the Nafzigers came over for dinner.. since then we have had to say goodbye to them as they will be serving in Kenya, Africa. We will miss you!!
Praying for you as you serve the Lord in Africa!


Happy 7th Birthday Our Little Gracie!!!!!

Happy Birthday to the sweetest, most lovable, adorable 7 year old! "Gracie, if your daddy and I went to Nigeria, Guatemala, New Guinea, Scotland, Iceland, Belize, Canada, Bolivia, Australia, Chili, China, Greenland, Ghana, Japan, and Turkey and lined up alllll the 7 year old little girls........ we would pick YOU"
Your Daddy and I pray that you would find our Lord Jesus at an early age and live your entire life serving Him and loving Him.


Even Laura got a gift this time!