Friday, October 18, 2013

Autumn Nature Walk

Despite the busyness around us, we determined to take a family walk before the weather changes all together and all of the leaves fell.. we are blessed enough to have a service road right at the bottom of our driveway. We purposed an early dinner and headed out! Down the driveway and onto the service road which heads up a hill and eventually leads close to an enormous lake.
the maple tree in the front of our house is in the process of dropping all of her lovely leaves

off we go!

We found that the blackberry leaves were some of the prettiest finds of the day!

While exploring in the gully near the creek, Ryan finds a beaver-chewed log to show the family

The girls touch the gnawed wood.. amazed that beaver teeth could make such marks!
There are many beaver living in the pond near us..



Our four lovely ladies
What are we all looking at here?

Claw marks left by a bear? Not sure.. but that was the consensus..
Here comes the bear now!!!!! :-)


We enjoyed examining these lovely mushrooms...

As the sun sets, we start back down the hill toward home..

The view up top is gorgeous!

Laura gets a closer look... what a lovely evening of nature and exploring God's creation!
From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the LORD'S name is to be praised.
Psalm 113:3

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