Wednesday, April 3, 2013

An Old- Fashioned Plowing Competition!

We were surprised that there wasn't a bigger turn out for a local horse plowing competition. There were Donkeys, Shires, Clydesdales, Percherons, Haflingers, Belgiums, and many more types! We were not quite sure the rules of the competition or any specifics as to what they do with the field once plowed but we sure enjoyed stopping by and watching the event for a while. It was silent on the fields.. except for that wonderful quiet clanking of metal buckles and the creaking of leather harnesses. Mixed with the bright sunny day it made for a wonderful way to pass a few hours. Grace was thrilled to see how 'Pa' had plowed the fields in Laura and Mary's day.




Folks were taking as many pictures of the children as they did of the horses.
I think they though the kids looked like they belonged in the same era as the horse and plow!
One lady asked if we were Amish and if we use horses and plows on our farm.

Daddy stayed in the van with Laura who was napping




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, that looks like the view from our living room (minus the pine trees)!