Sunday, April 28, 2013

A Trip for Two

Recently Grady and I were gifted a beach trip to Lincoln City, OR. The hotel was located right on the ocean with a lovely view.. Grady and I had such a nice relaxing time.. truly a time of refreshment and bonding. We were able to sit for hours and talk about current things going on in our lives, read the Word together as well as a great Andrew Murray book that he just picked up at his favorite bookstore (Goodwill). It was such a special time together..
We brought food from home for most of the trip but this night we splurged and went out to Gallucci's for pizza! We ordered one with all the works!

There was enough left over for breakfast!

Mmmmm... going out to eat is a luxury which we normally do not afford ourselves... When we do go out, it can be stressful since I have a wheat allergy.. so it was a blessing to find that Gallucci's serves this wonderful gluten free pizza. What a treat!

Later back at the room, I made the misake of feeding the seagulls off of our balcony...

They wouln't leave us alone after that! :)
(The view was magnificant by the way!
Well, what we could see of it through the sea gulls!)
Grady had me take a few photos of him standing next to the this little BMW.
It is so tiny that the whole front of the car opens up as the door.
The entire car fit into 1/4 of a normal parking spot!
We liked this posted sign in an antique store that we
visited.. it was entitled 'Christocracy'

On our last day at the beach we stumbled upon this wonderful 1+ acre garden, right in the middle of town. A local master gardener had designed and worked on it for years before her passing. It is now left for the community to enjoy.. with the mild weather and because there were only the two of us, we spent a long time at the garden, admiring God's wonderful creation..



Look at the size of this Rhody! The blossoms were enormous!
My sweet tour guide.. In some parts he goes by the name 'Poncho'
This bridge was demolished in the late 90's. Being the oldest covered bridge in Oregon, many folks from their community pulled together and salvaged the demolished pieces and over a few years and after the Lord providing huge trees in which to mill the large supports needed, erected it on their property in order to preserve this historic monuement. It was a blessing to read their testimony
 of how the faith of a few and the trust in the Lord to provide was the only way
 it could and was accomplished. 

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