Monday, September 26, 2011

Time together

We have so enjoyed getting to know some of the families here in Spanish Lookout as well as getting to know our new friends from Pennsylvania who recently moved here to the community. The fellowship which we have experienced with these new friends, both from the community and outside of the community has been such a refreshing time for our family. But we do SO enjoy time together around the house. We think that family 'down time' is essential for keeping the bonds of unity within a household. We could be busy every minute of every day.. but determine NOT to be! :) Please pray for us for discernment in this area.

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! Psalm 133:1 KJV

Ryan, scaling the tree out in front of the house

Grant, wagon surfing :)

Our little Gracie is looking so much older these past few weeks.. Sometimes when things get hectic, the older children push the 2 little girls around the yard in the stroller. They love to visit the horses and calf, as well as admire the beautiful tropical flowers which grow in our yard.

Ashley took this very beautiful photo of the horse out back.

We purchased 4 pounds of peanuts from a local man. Many times a week we will look outside and there will be someone parked in the driveway. It is usually someone selling fruits, vegetables or other food items. Here we are, shelling 4 lbs of peanuts! We are so looking forward to fresh peanut butter~

The view from our upstairs window.


Pioneer Mom said...

Did you know that the leaves you can see in the bottom photo make a great tea? It tastes like sassafras tea. If you break up the leaves you can smell the wonderful aroma. I think Belizeans call them cowfoot.

McDonald Family said...

Yummy! Thank you so much for sharing. Wanna come join us for a cup? :)