Monday, September 12, 2011

A Full Day

Just as we were about to leave for a family outing, we saw our first SNAKE! Yes, I said snake. Now of course we all just KNEW it was a fer-de-lance or yellow jaw which are deadly poinsoneous. So all three of my men went running off into the grass with machetes to chop the intruders head off! They did so and then proceeded to run the body and head over to our neighbor John who informed us that we just killed a harmless green headed racer. Hey, they all are scary to us! :)

I mean really, do you see that ferocious hiss?? (sorry I TRIED turning the pic but it wouldnt for some reason!)

Our family outing that day included Reimer's bookstore which is also a thrift shop. We purchased a used shirt for Grady, a second hand dress for Gracie and a few bookstore items. One of the items was a field guide which helps you identify all of the snakes of Belize! We thought we should get a bit more educated on the subject.

Another book we picked up was a Mennonite Low German Dictionary. It has a Plautdietsch/English and English/Plautdietsch section. Also, our friend Abe F. lent us his Plautdietsch Bible. It has been very interesting to compare our KJV to it. It would be such a blessing to us as well as our children if we could pick up some of the low German. I know our Belize friends would be pleased about it as well.. :)

It really is a great little bookstore, carrying much of what you would see in the CLP catalog, Pathway readers and books, as well as a few Bercot books and many other which are favorites of ours. Quite a gem of a place really. The owner of the bookstore is also the head elder of the Shontal church which is where we are currently attending.

Really the best thing about going to Reimer's bookstore this particular Saturday is that the Reimers are our kitten connection! Mittens, Gracie's new kitten was given to us by the Reimer family. And since Mittens is such a very good kitten, we decided that we needed another one! They had a few left and so we picked out Mitten's sister who Grant has named Maya. Actually he named her Miss Maya Socks but we call her Maya. We hear cats are GREAT at keeping rats and snakes away hence the second kitten! :) (Grady has already warned me that we will not be getting a third..forth...fifth...... hey I figure we should post cats on every corner of the house! :) )


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