Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Blessed to Have Fellowship

Living back in Washington State has brought about one issue for us. There are hardly *any* Anabaptist groups here! That is why when living here before we were a part of a *very* small home fellowship- because there are only a handful of folks in this area who have the same doctrines and convictions that we do. There is a Mennonite church about 45 minutes away but since our family is not Mennonite, that is not an option for us at this time. So coming back we find our small group dis-banded and our friends attending other groups.. none of which we 'fit' into. So, just like in Belize we find ourselves without a 'church'. BUT, the body of Christ is so good! We will be able to attend the small church which we are affilicated with in Oregon every month or so and between times have sweet fellowship with friends outside of official 'Church'. Sometimes we have to remind ourselves that we as Christians *are* the Church.. And that when we gather together,(regardless of the day) He is in our midst. So although for now Sundays for us may only consist of sitting as a family and listening to a sermon.. and praying and singing, or whether we are blessed enough to meet with friends after their church meetings on Sunday, we can still 'gather together' in one accord, speaking in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in our hearts to the Lord. We wonder what it must be like to be missionaries in a foreign country where there are no other families to sharpen one another at all. Truly, we are very blessed.

2 comments: said...

Ah-hem! Pardon me, I was having a coughing fit. :)

Amen, we are the church, and "each one of you is a part of it". We need the body.

Blessings in this season of your life, dear friend.

McDonald Family said...

Ya I know you can relate.. ;)
Love you!