Monday, November 7, 2011

Living Together

Some days here in Belize are harder than others.. Trying to be respectful of the new people around us while also keeping our own family identity and convictions can be a struggle. It is on the hard days that we really appreciate the fact that while we all have weaknesses and needs within our family, we have been and remain very close. It seems that when one of us is down, there is always someone else nearby who can lift up and encourage the one who is discouraged. How pleasant is is to dwell in unity! ♥ Please pray that the Lord would continue to help us learn how to be more and more like him in this area and that he would deepen and strenghthen our relationships even further!


Lydia said...

Hello Dear McDonald Family!

We think of you all often, and have been immensely enjoying all of the pictures and updates that you all post on your blog! We miss you all so much, but are so encouraged by your stepping out in faith and following God's leading with your family. Mandy, I am soooo happy that you are feeling better! You were on our church's "prayer chain" that is circulated via email, so there were MANY folks lifting you up in prayer!
Ashley, I am enjoying your blog as well! My sisters and I were so excited to see that you've found some horses to "play" with down there :-) It has been fun to see what Belize looks like through all of your pictures (which, by the way are BEAUTIFUL and very professional-looking!)

Thank you so much for the Christ-like example that you all are to us!
With much love & hugs!

Anonymous said...

We love and miss you! Did Valerie get Mandy's email a few days back? Say hello to your family for us! ♥

Lydia said...

Yes! Valerie did get Mandy's letter, and is in the process of writing her back...unless Valerie finished last night...I'm not sure :-) She was SO excited to see an email from Mandy!