Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Bus Ride for Two

We were able to secure a 15 passenger van to rent for brothers Jim and Jake's visit.. the only catch was that we had to travel to Belize City in order to pick it up. Grady and I got a ride to the main road where we stood to wait for the bus but were instead picked up by a family from Spanish Lookout who took us as far as Belmopan. There we caught a brightly decorated old Blue Bird school bus, turned public trasportation, and headed toward Belize City.

At the bus station in Belmopan

Riding in this old bus brought back some early school memories.. We don't fit in those small seats like we used to! :)

It was a nice hour and half ride for Grady and I. It got a bit harrowing however about 1 hour into the ride when the driver started nodding off! The driver was literally driving 20 mph on the highway! He was rubbing the back of his neck (a sure sign of impending slumber) and nodding. Grady was just about headed up there to say something when the other bus attendent, who apparently saw the problem began engaging the driver in some lively conversation. Soon we were back up to 55 mph.

The bus station in Belize City. We were waiting for the man who was bringing the rental van

At the end of the day we met up with the man who had the rental van and sped off to Ladyville to pick up brothers Jim and Jake from the airport. What a blessing to see them.

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