Friday, May 23, 2014

May Days

Mid May is always an eventful time of year for our family. Grady's birthday, our anniversary and Mother's Day usually fall within one week of each other.

Happy Birthday!
For breakfast on Dad's Birthday, the big girls made some cupcakes for breakfast!
Happy Birthday Daddy!

That day we literally had 4 sets of company. One was a Spanish family who travelled all the way from Succotz ( 1hr by bus one way) to bring me this beautiful cake for Mother's Day. It was a moist cake, topped with fruit with a ring of milk chocolate on the outside of the cake. She had travelled over to border to Guatemala to purchase it for me. I was so touched by that! She also brought me a rose and a whole bucket of freshly made tamales. Since we had so much company that day, Grady asked us please not to worry about making him a cake. But God provided one! :-) We were able to serve it after dinner and share it with our friends who came for dinner.
The guys studied some doctrinal things..

While we ladies had fun with the little ones. Our little girls are enamored with their baby. We enjoy this couple so much. She is from Costa Rica and speaks just about no English. We communicate with motions and broken speech. Talk about a great way for both of us to learn a new language! :-)

Happy Anniversary!
We had a nice day.. my mother treated us to a lunch out with the family.. on that day we also travelled to a bone specialist for Laura's arm. We had planned that he would set it correctly and put on her permanent cast. However, upon looking at her X ray, he concluded that the emergency room doctor misread the Xray and there was no fracture at all! She definitely had bone trauma from the fall but in his opinion there was no fracture! She and we were so excited. She was such a brave girl even when he accidently cut her with the scissors as he took off her temp cast.  


After lunch and the doctor we headed back to Spanish Lookout to Countryside Park for some family time. The older children had a nice time taking a walk while Daddy and I let the little girls ride their bikes.
Laura shows Daddy her arm
A bit of a bruise left behind with a band aid to cover the nick/ But oh so better than a cast! :-)

All better Daddy!

Time to head home!
Gorgeous Sunset

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