Monday, June 10, 2013

Little House in the Big Woods

Well, actually it is a double wide in the Big Woods! :-) We looked everywhere for a rental.. everything being $1,100 a month with a one year lease, first, last + deposit. We were so grateful to find a great older double wide out in the 'sticks' out toward Mt. Rainer for $600 per month! Yay! It means a longer commute for Grady on the days that he has to go to town to work.. but all in all it will end up allowing us to spend less and prayerfully save for BZ

We agreed to clean up after the last tenants which also lowered the first month's rent. The children are loving it.. a fishing pond on the property, being close to their favorite lake.. having property and woods to traipse around in.

The front of the rental
The back side
Trimming back the overgrown hedge

The former tenants left a lot of junk behind.. we agreed to gather it all together for a dump run
We salvaged this for Laura though..
Ashley works on the bathtub.. see the line? eeewww!

One thing we have noticed about this new house, being at a higher elavation, it gets CHILLY at night, even on warm and sunny days..

Yay! After 2 days of cleaning, we got it up to snuff and ready to move in!
We are so grateful for our little house in the BIG woods! We look forward to a few hikes and trips up to the mountain this summer. We are so blessed.. The Lord is so good to our family ♥


Lydia said...

Your new rental looks very nice! What a blessing! I loved seeing all of the pictures, thanks for posting! I know I have not commented often here on your blog, but I sure have enjoyed being able to keep up with you all :-)

McDonald Family said...

Thank you Lydia! We have enjoyed keeping up on your blog also. You do such a nice job with it! A & A enjoyed the post recently about taking care of your parents place while they were out of town. They thought the video was very cute. :-)
Hey, now that we are 'neighbors'(I think we are a bit east of you), we should have you and your husband over for dinner sometime.
Blessings, Kelly

Lydia said...

We would love that! Send me an email sometime and we'll get together! I am anxious to know just where ya'll are located exactly :-)

yolanda said...

How funny!! Our family just moved intoa double wide in thewoods too LOL!! And we couldn't be happier.
Praise God

McDonald Family said...

What a blessing to be so near God's lovely creation! ♥
Great place for tree forts too! :-)

yolanda said...

You may have already done this but to limit your house from unwanted critter: rats, mice, snakes etc. My husband went throughout the house looking for small openings like under the sink around pipes and filled them in with some stuff called "Great Stuff" insulation foam sealant. It works great and its about $3 I think at Walmart. As you know prefab homes tend to have a lot of openings. At least ours does.

McDonald Family said...

Thank you for the advice! ;-)