Thursday, March 7, 2013

A Birthday Trip

This year my mother took the day off from her job for my birthday and invited me to take the train down and spend 2 days and a night with her to celebrate. We had such a nice time.. thrift store shopping, going out for gluten free fish and chips for dinner (!) and having some very sweet and deep conversations. It was such a nice time with she and her husband Ben. They drove me home on Saturday and spent the evening here with our family.


The girls were so sweet to hold down the fort while I was gone!
I hear they did a very good job :)


Thanks Mama for a sweet time~


Elvira Friesen said...

Wow! I can't believe I found this site! And by accident too! I was searching for another blog when I saw this. LOL
Is great to see your faces! I would enjoy a good long talk with you again! I have often wondered how the Lord was leading your family, and am wondering if it is to Belize anytime soon :)
God bless, Elvira

McDonald Family said...

Greetings Elvira! It is so good to hear from you! Could we have your email address so that we can get a bit caught up? We do pray that we are able to come back soon.. :) Our email address is:
Love, Kelly