Sunday, January 20, 2013

A Special Girl Turns 5

The Amazing Grace Elizabeth Turns 5!!!!
This year our sweet special girl has grown so much! Not only in height but in her development. She is doing really well in her communication and has developed a greater tolerance for things which used to really overstimulate her. She can tell us when she is overwhelmed..which helps us to divert potential melt downs. Most days finds our sweet girl happy and content. Such a joy after so many years of struggle and anxiety both on her part and on ours! :) SO many things have contributed to her improvement. Much prayer, diet changes and parenting changes. Also, our current rental has a piano which she sits at (for hours if we let her) where she sounds out songs, sometimes at the first try. She has unbelievable musical talent.. It seems that playing the piano really has a very calming affect on her. It is amazing to watch. She has become such a joy to the family and quite the little 'mother' to Laura. She is learning to read and enjoys being read to. She is very spiritually sensitive and loves to talk about Jesus.. It is very common for her to be the first family member to go to the Lord in prayer for a needy soul. She enjoys reading her new sign language flash cards and playing with the new PLAN dollhouse that her good friends the Sebens gave to us. It is so fun to see her learning and developing..  We are tremendously blessed to be her parents!
Waiting patiently for the yummy gluten-free lemon birthday bundt cake that sister Amanda made :)
Sister Laura waits patiently too!
Awww! How cute is that?
 Tickled Pink!
Best Friends
The boys saved up to purchase her a pink fishing pole! She was so excited!
Birthday Hugs!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We love you, Grace!
Happy Birthday!

Abby's birthday is coming up too, and she will be five just like you.