Monday, October 1, 2012

Labor Of Love

One of the children's highlights of the summer was visiting Grady's mother for a few days and doing some deep cleaning, building maintenance and yard work. The children were excited to earn some money.. but were more excited to take a trip with dad and to help their grandma get some things done around her place.

Seattle July 2012

The Space Needle, 604 feet high! There is a restaurant at the top that slowly rotates
so that you are able to see all of Seattle in an hour's rotation
Seattle's Waterfront

Washington State Ferry

Ryan, atop Grandma Bonnie's roof

Grady, power washing the top of Grandma's 4 plex


Ash snaps a photo of Mandy through the screen

My beautiful orchid that grandma Barb gave me before leaving for Belize.
Grandma Bonnie has been taking wonderful care of it!

She says it is her favorite out of her whole collection

The Merry Maids!

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