Saturday, July 14, 2012

Oregon Coast

 It was quite a wonderful family day at the beach.. we took our time getting there, poking along and stopping at every sale and at every turn.. potty breaks galore.. BOY did it take us a long time to actually GET to the beach! Along the way we were able to have a few good conversations about the Kingdom of God and pass out a few tracts. So that was a blessing.This time we decided to try a new spot (big mistake!) As we ascended the path toward the beach we noticed that there were at least a dozen folks out in the water, kite surfing.. hmmm...could that mean that this beach may be a bit more WINDY than most? Yup!

Mandy tries to walk in the wind

Grady keeps the girls from blowing away!

Grant's kite string snapped so he resorted to using a dog leash! :)

We had the girls play behind this log, hoping that it would be a good windblock. It didn't work!

Laura is outta here!

After about 20 minutes Mama heads back to the car with the little girls

Laura- "Let's Get Outta Here Mama!"

Kite surfers

                                                            Goodbye windy beach!..

After driving south a few miles, we came to another beach which was much less windy. We enjoyed watching the children make some sand castles and 'sandy baby beds' for Grace and Laura! They both loved being buried in the cool gray sand. The older children had fun down toward the shore.. We are so blessed that both Ashley & Amanda and Ryan & Grant are the best of friends. It was a beautiful day of memory-making.

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