Thursday, March 1, 2012

Maria's House

Maria and her family need a new home. Their roof leaks and the outdoor kitchen has little ventilation and fills with black acrid smoke when they cook. We have been able to visit a few times to sing and pray for the elderly wheelchair bound grandpa. This past visit the family told us that they were hoping to build a smaller home behind the current one in order to have sleeping quarters which is not always leaking during the rain. With a recent donation we hope to help build the smaller home and to improve the current one.. to convert it into a kitchen with better ventilation and a new tin roof.

Here is Martha, cooking in her smoky kitchen

Grandma came with us to visit Maria and check out the place where they hope to build the home

Here Maria (the older Maria) shows me her prized possesion.. a lovely hutch that she received for her wedding.. her husband later left her with three children to start a new family. She has such an amazing attitude about it..she even sends bread over to her husband and his family because 'it is not the children's fault that the adults made bad decisions'. She keeps praying that he will return to she and her children. Unfortunately she suffers from seizures and other serious health problems which does not allow for her to work and provide for her family.

This is the spot where Maria and their family hope to build a second smaller home behind their current one.. which will enable them to have dry sleeping quarters.

Goodbye for now Maria! We hope to start on the building project soon!

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