Monday, January 9, 2012

Amanda's Diagnosis

A doctor who is on staff at Northwest Pediactrics agreed to meet with Amanda, look over her records from Belize, treat her, order labwork and tests and cofer with specialists in order to try and figure out what is causing her to be sick. - FOR FREE and on his own time. He examined her on his own time, spent endless hours on the phone with both myself and other doctors. In addition, the hospital also offereed labwork and testing for free! We are so grateful for the care she received. The doctor took such care really trying to figure out why she is suffering from the symptoms she is experiencing. In the end, the only thing which was detected in all of the bloodwork is that Amanda is horribly deficient in Vitamin D! Now, you would *think* that being in Belize would prevent such a deficiency but when you are as low as she is I guess it takes more than just being out in the sun once in a while! Normal levels are 50-100. Her level came back at a 14. He has perscribed an extremely high dosage to take twice weekly for 3 months in hopes that it will eleviate some if not all of her symptoms. Her heartrate still is high most times and she suffers from terrible headaches and sleeplessness. BUT already she says she things her energy is up from when we first got here just from a few days if the supplements. We are grateful that all the rest of the bloodwork and tests show an otherwise very healthy young lady..

So today we have the joy of accompanying our best friends, The Kings on a flight back to Belize (we are flying on the same plane! :). They will be staying with us for three and a half weeks. Please continue to pray for Mandy as we pursue a few other ideas in regard to her environment there..potenial molds in the home, hormone levels etc.. Thanks to everyone who came and stopped in to say hello and wish Mandy a get well . It really encouraged her. We appreciated all of the prayer, suggestions and help.

Goodbye Pacific Northwest for now! We can't wait to get back to the rest of our family, the palm trees and fried plantains.


missionarymomma (Sj) said...

So glad you were able to get the answers you nedded, and that all she needed was Vitamin D supplements. Rejoicing with you that all of her other tests show a very healthy girl.

No more laying down in bed during the day, time to be the sunshine frequently. :-)

We have missed you so much here. Looking forward to seeing you. How wonderful that your flight can be with the Kings. The Lord is good.

Chrissie said...

Wow! How wonderful!