Monday, November 7, 2011

We Have a Sending Letter!

One of the things that we have needed to apply for a missionary permit is a letter from a 'sending church'. Our brothers and sisters at Valley Christian Fellowship read about this need on our website and voted to not only write us a sending letter but also to set up a fund through their church where donors can support us and receive a tax deduction for it. We are so grateful for this answered prayer!

Valley Christian Fellowship of Halsey
27027 Irish Bend Loop
Halsey, OR 97348
October 31, 2011
Dear friends of the Grady McDonald family,
We at Valley Christian Fellowship have recently set up a fund for the benefit of the McDonald family in Belize. We would like to make this fund available for anyone who wishes to make cash donations to the McDonalds and their ministry. All of the donations received that are earmarked for this fund will be passed on to the McDonalds in full, or used for their benefit under their direction. We will also issue a tax-deductible receipt to the donor for any donation over $50, as well as for any smaller donations if a receipt is requested.
Of course, there is no need to give through this fund if you prefer to give to the McDonald family directly. As supporters of the vision and ministry of the McDonalds, we simply want to make this fund available to those who would prefer to give through a church. (One difference, for what it’s worth, is that donations to a charitable organization such as a church can be tax deductible, whereas donations directly to an individual are not.)
If any of you would like to donate to this fund, please mail your check to the address at the top of this page. Make the check out to Valley Christian Fellowship and write “McDonald Family” in the memo line. Be sure to give us your address (or an email address), if it is not on the check, so that we can send you a receipt for tax purposes.
If you prefer to give to this fund anonymously, please make a note of that with the donation. (Unless you tell us differently, we will notify the McDonalds periodically about the details of any donations received.)
Thank you for your interest in this family and this work.
For Christ and His kingdom,
Roger Hertzler
Valley Christian Fellowship

Valley Christian Fellowship of Halsey 10/31/11
27027 Irish Bend Loop
Halsey, OR 97348
Dear Grady McDonald and family,
As your brothers in Christ and co-laborers in the gospel, we at Valley Christian Fellowship would like to express our support for the witness and the work you are doing in the country of Belize. We have also decided as a church fellowship to open a designated fund to which money can be donated from private donors for your ministry or for your personal needs while in Belize. Any donations we receive that are earmarked for this fund will be used exclusively for your needs and related expenses.
At this point we at Valley Christian Fellowship do not envision planting or supporting a new congregation in the country of Belize. However, we do see a number of positive ways that you as a family could work to further the kingdom of God in that country, ways which would be very much in line with our vision here in Halsey. These methods may include, but are not limited to:
1. Attending or even joining an existing fellowship of believers and working together to grow more and more into the likeness of Christ.
2. Sharing your faith in Jesus with unbelievers around you and pointing them to the full Salvation that He alone can give. This could be done through door to door witnessing, tract distribution, gospel signs, or open-air evangelism. (We would be open to providing you with the tools necessary for these projects as funds become available and as you become interested in them.)
3. Developing relationships with pastors and other members of existing churches and challenging them to a more fervent love for Christ, obedience to His commands, and the life of holiness that He demands of His followers.
4. Distributing material (CDs, books, etc.) from organizations that promote the kingdom teachings of Jesus and call professing believers to repentance, revival, and full obedience to His commands.
The above points are merely suggestions that reflect the vision that we have as a church, and you can feel free to pick and choose among them as God leads you. It is not our desire at this point to start a new fellowship or take any kind of authority over the work you are doing there, but rather to simply walk beside you and support you, as we are able, in the work that you are already doing.
We feel blessed to be able to enter into this relationship with you, since we have come to know you and felt the unity in vision between us and you. Even so, we think it would be a good idea to evaluate the situation annually to determine whether it is a relationship that both of us continue to be comfortable with, and whether or not it continues to meet a need and be a blessing to the kingdom of God.
May God give you strength, wisdom, and an anointing by His Spirit for the work He has called you to.
Yours in Christ,
The brothers and sisters at Valley Christian Fellowship

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