6 “And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. 7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. 8 You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. 9 You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.
Homeschooling is our life here. It has been for 13 years now. It is by far the most important aspect of our lives apart from our close walk and relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a way of life and, in our opinion the only way to fulfill the principles laid out in Deuteronomy 6. Although found in the Old Testament, this principle seems to still be very alive and very close to the heart of our Lord Jesus Christ. Certainly in order to teach the words of Christ to our children, we must BE with our children most of the day. I thought it would be fun to highlight here a few things we have done this week in our "Schooling"
After studying Asia for a few months, we decided to have an Asian luncheon, using only chopsticks! The children and Mama had a fun time purchasing food at the local Asian market. The young lady who worked there helped us find some yummy items including; rice crackers, bean sprouts and sauce for our chicken stir-fry, green tea and some very delicious cucumber kim chee. We had such a fun time! In Japan, families sit on the floor and eat on a low dinner table. So we used the coffee table for our meal.. the children had fun telling Dad all about daily life for families in Japan. This for us was school for the day! Well OK~ maybe a bit of math and English also. :)
A taste of the Orient~
Recently both Gracie and Ryan have been learning about different kinds of ants and their behavior, habitats and social inner workings. Sister Amanda reminded Ryan that we have an ant hill just down the road from us and suggested they take Gracie on a walk to go see it. On their way out the door they grabbed a handful of shredded coconut to throw onto the hill in order to watch and see what the ants did with the loot.
Gracie (you can see that the ants weren't the only ones to get a coconut snack!)
ant hill
The kids didn't gain much new information by watching the ants and the coconut but they sure enjoyed the time spent with one another..
We love educating our children at home. We definitely aren't the smartest tools in the shed nor do we wish to be. I am not a born teacher for sure. I do know this.. anyone can 'catch up' in community college if need be in regard to English, Science, Math etc. But we never again get to raise our children. Once they are gone, they are gone. What do we want them to learn? We do know one thing, the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy [is] understanding. Proverbs 9:10
May the Lord guide us in the raising of His children! ♥♥♥♥♥
We so fully agree with you on this. I am very encouraged by this. I needed to hear that they can "catch up" in a community college if need be. It's true.
We give a hearty Amen to this post.
You might have studied Japan for a long time and they will remember some of that, but they will never forget this special day.
Blessings to you, your very kind husband and your precious children. Can't wait to go on fun 'field trips' with y'all! :)
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