The Garza's once again hosted a wonderful Cider Press! Folks from fellowships in
Snohomish, all over Washington, Idaho and Oregon showed up despite the rain and clouds! While we were not able to enjoy all of the day's activities, we did show up in time to see the women's archery tie-breaking round (Good job Katie!) The pie contest results and the pie auction which raised up toward $1,500 for David
Martell's eye surgery, Praise God! Then we were off to the Grange for a very special meeting of the Saints. We so overcrowded the grange with all the folks that the overflow room held their own meeting! It was a blessing to hear the sweet songs and prayers of those who were in the dining room. As our meeting ended, the other meeting was in the middle of 'It is Well With My Soul'. We opened the
adjoining door and joined in.. all in one accord. It was one of *those* moments.. There was wonderful teaching, fellowship and prayer. (oh and food! :) ) We are so thankful for the body of Christ and SO enjoy when the body as a whole gathers and are able to lift our hands, hearts and prayers to our Lord and Saviour. It is well with my soul!
Lyndi helping with the apples~
Ben and
Lyndi, getting the apples
Matt and Levi Pressing Apples
Jesse and Stephen
Voila! Cider for all! Yummy
What a lovely pie!
Anna's pie.. ( I think a few slices went for $150 in the auction! :) )
Laura, Katie and Mandy watching the Pie Auction~
Do I hear $175?...
My little cuteness!
David and Tammi ~
Trying to fit 250 people in a building zoned for 135..
Colossians 3:16 (New Living Translation) 16 Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts.
1 comment:
Wow, Kelly! It looks like you all had a great time! :) What beautiful pictures, too! :)
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