Monday, October 8, 2012

Ashley's Trip Back East

3 weeks ago, we received word that our very close friends who now reside in Pennsylvania had given birth to a precious baby boy at 29 weeks. Amie had to deliver via C-section because baby was breech.  Noah was very healthy at birth but had to be flown to a hospital 2 hours away who had a NICU unit that was equipped for such a young preemie.

Noah Matthew Gray
This family is so special to us. They, the King family and our family started our small fellowship back in 2008. They walked along side us for quite a few years and we have become the best of friends. Ashley and Amanda were priviledged to go and help out quite a few times after their precious babies were born over the years while they lived in Washington.. so it was decided that it would only make sense that one of our girls should fly out to be with the 7 children while Don and Amie spent time at the NICU unit with Noah. Ashley felt honored to go and serve there for almost 2 weeks. Our children love their children so much.. Ashley had a VERY hard time leaving them! I think the feeling was mutual.. You can see more pics from her trip on her blog at: 
Bella, age 1 1/2

Chloe, age 3
Abby, age 4
Elijah, age 6 (Happy Birthday Elijah!)
Aden, age 8
Hannah, age 11
Brodie, age 13
Now Brodie is an amazing child. He is so responsible and basically can run the Gray's whole house.. but having Ashley there as back up proved to be a blessing and help for them. Ashley enjoyed playing and spending time with these precious children. It made her and us miss them even more!
Their beautiful home is located right in the heart of Lancaster County.. Amish country. One neighbor closest to the Gray family are Old Order Mennonites who do not use electricity and the neighbors on the other side of them are Amish.

Amish would rather not have their pictures taken.. but Ashley hid behind a curtain to get this photo!
uh hem Ashley.. naughty!  :) 

The neighborhood Amish school

Beautiful Pennsylvania Farmland




An Amish Scooter.. Ashley even got to take a ride on it!



A baby bunny! The children named it Noah Star Gray  :)

Bird Watching



Brodie enjoys raising monarch butterflies

Ashley and Brodie held down the fort at home while Mama and Daddy were at the hosptial, spending time with little Noah.. Thankfully, it wasn't too long before the baby was able to be transferred to the hospital just 4 miles from home.. unfortunately there have been some serious issues with the staff and general environment at the NICU. His parents have spent many hours advocating for him, trying to make the situation better for Noah . Please keep them and him in your prayers. Praise the Lord, Noah is very healthy and growing stronger daily.  They are praying he can come home by day 40. After all, his name is Noah! :) Today is day 21.


Look at that smile! We are praying for you to come home soon Noah!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Blessed Fellowship

Last week after our meeting our fellowship decided on an impromtu group picture! The weather was beautiful and we thought that we should take advantage of that and take a group shot.. The only thing missing was Ashley who was back East with some friends who recently had a baby.

Fellowship October 2012
It might seem small to you but this fellowship means the world to us! AND although we are small we are able to have some amazing guest speakers every weekend.. Dale Heisey, Zac Poonan, David Bercot.. the list is endless! :)  Between that and the fathers' sharing time, we have such rich meetings. We are blessed indeed. And every week we are praying for all of you, our friends, that wherever you are and whatever meeting you are attending, that you are being fed and blessed and growing! Can you imagine how blessed our fellowship in heaven will be.. when we as disciples of Jesus will be worshiping at Jesus' feet for all eternity!

Enjoying fellowship in the orchard

Some very special young ladies..

'Blowing Out' the dandelions

Goodnight and Goodbye!  Until we meet again dear friends!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Meet Our Cockapoo Puppies!

Ashley's AKC black mini poodle 'Toby' and her red and white Cocker Spaniel 'Lulu' had a litter of puppies on September 26th. We just *HAD* to share photos!




Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Katie's Wedding

Katherine Sterland and her family have been friends of ours since we moved to Lewis County..  over 7 years ago. She has been such a great friend to Ashley.. a few weeks back we attended her wedding to Joel Cummins. We are praying that the Lord uses them as a couple in a mighty way and for HIS glory!

Ashley and Katie, Summer 2006

Mandy, Ashley, Laura and Katie Summer 2007

Katie and Ashley 2008
Ashley and Katie on her wedding day, August 2012
Katie and Joel said from the beginning that they did not want a traditional wedding. Somewhere in a field, with their closest friends and relatives.. They did indeed have such a wedding! It was unconventional but very sweet indeed. Both fathers gave a devotion, Katie and Joel each shared a testimony and a wonderful friend gave a blessing after the exchange of the rings. Katie and Joel had their vows memorized.. it was very sweet. More directed by the bride and groom instead of a rehearsed show. It was fun to catch up with the 'Church of Lewis County' who showed out in huge numbers for this fun wedding! There were lots of people, love and fellowship. Since Joel's dad owns a garbage company, they drove off in a garbage truck! It was a pretty funny moment! I think the highlight was Katie's father's devotion where he paralleled Joel and Katie's courtship with the courtship that Christ has with us. Are we His bride? What is keeping us from being that to him? Are we obeying what Jesus commands us to do? Are we being obedient?  Or are we just following contemporary Christian beliefs which allows us to live however we 'feel' like and still hoping for heaven? Are we truly Kingdom Citizens, serving in His Kingdom? Let us all persevere until the day that we will be with our groom forever!



Monday, October 1, 2012

Labor Of Love

One of the children's highlights of the summer was visiting Grady's mother for a few days and doing some deep cleaning, building maintenance and yard work. The children were excited to earn some money.. but were more excited to take a trip with dad and to help their grandma get some things done around her place.

Seattle July 2012

The Space Needle, 604 feet high! There is a restaurant at the top that slowly rotates
so that you are able to see all of Seattle in an hour's rotation
Seattle's Waterfront

Washington State Ferry

Ryan, atop Grandma Bonnie's roof

Grady, power washing the top of Grandma's 4 plex


Ash snaps a photo of Mandy through the screen

My beautiful orchid that grandma Barb gave me before leaving for Belize.
Grandma Bonnie has been taking wonderful care of it!

She says it is her favorite out of her whole collection

The Merry Maids!

Our 'Baby Boy' Turns 14! :)

We couldn't believe it when the ultrasound tech told us 'It's a Boy!' No, I am not talking about a recent appointment! Hee Hee (relax mom!) I am remembering back 14 1/2 years ago when we heard the news that we would be having our first son..
Rye, you were such a sweet and thoughtful baby. You still are a thoughtful young man who is always thinking about the newest and greatest invention. I love the way that you take on your responsibilities as a man. You have grown up so much in this past year. You have taken your personal relationship with the Lord more and more seriously also. You are not going to be one who gives 'lip service' about being a Christian! You have an aversion to hypocrisy which we respect so much. We love the way that you care for your younger siblings.. how you searched and searched at any and all garage sales and at Goodwill until you found a little bike to fix up for Gracie. I will never forget how her face shined as she looked up at you and said 'Thank you so much brother'. You are such a capable helper in our home. It amazes me how much you already know how to do around the home.. working on the cars, fix bicycles, garden, design and build things. We are so excited to see how the Lord will use you, dear son! May this year find you growing in Wisdom and Truth and being a servant in the Kingdom of God!

The girls made Rye this darling little Scotty Dog cake for the birthday chap!

We visited the park for his party.. the kids enjoyed feeding the ducks



Then off to the playground!


Papa and Nana made the drive to join the party~ of course they had a fun gift for Rye

Happy 14th Birthday Ryan! We love you so much!