Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Katie's Wedding

Katherine Sterland and her family have been friends of ours since we moved to Lewis County..  over 7 years ago. She has been such a great friend to Ashley.. a few weeks back we attended her wedding to Joel Cummins. We are praying that the Lord uses them as a couple in a mighty way and for HIS glory!

Ashley and Katie, Summer 2006

Mandy, Ashley, Laura and Katie Summer 2007

Katie and Ashley 2008
Ashley and Katie on her wedding day, August 2012
Katie and Joel said from the beginning that they did not want a traditional wedding. Somewhere in a field, with their closest friends and relatives.. They did indeed have such a wedding! It was unconventional but very sweet indeed. Both fathers gave a devotion, Katie and Joel each shared a testimony and a wonderful friend gave a blessing after the exchange of the rings. Katie and Joel had their vows memorized.. it was very sweet. More directed by the bride and groom instead of a rehearsed show. It was fun to catch up with the 'Church of Lewis County' who showed out in huge numbers for this fun wedding! There were lots of people, love and fellowship. Since Joel's dad owns a garbage company, they drove off in a garbage truck! It was a pretty funny moment! I think the highlight was Katie's father's devotion where he paralleled Joel and Katie's courtship with the courtship that Christ has with us. Are we His bride? What is keeping us from being that to him? Are we obeying what Jesus commands us to do? Are we being obedient?  Or are we just following contemporary Christian beliefs which allows us to live however we 'feel' like and still hoping for heaven? Are we truly Kingdom Citizens, serving in His Kingdom? Let us all persevere until the day that we will be with our groom forever!



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