Monday, December 28, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving 2015!

Our friends, The Popes had been invited to come for Thanksgiving. But drama hit our household when 2 nights before Thanksgiving our stove went out! Kaput! We had a 25 lb turkey to roast, rolls, pumpkin pies, candied yams, cookies and twice baked mashed potatoes to bake. We experimented with cooking in the tiny travel trailer oven-everything burned! We discussed the issue with the Popes and we all agreed it may be a rice and beans sort of Thanksgiving dinner.. :(   However, just in  time-Grady showed up Wednesday night with a used range which he had purchased off of Craigslist! Yay! The girls and I hurriedly prepped the Thanksgiving dinner for the next day!

Grady cuts the beautiful turkey- a gift from the company he is employed by

Autumn had brought a lovely salad, cranberries, little smokies and stuffing

Dishing up


Mama & Autumn catch up- it had been too long!

The Pope children took turns playing songs for us


We finished a lovely day by singing and praising the Lord together

Its was such a very special day with our very special friends

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