Friday, October 17, 2014

Havin' a 'Hay' Day!

This is what the wonderful Daddy McDonald has been doing to support the family since our return! He works for a Mennonite man who owns a hay company. He was able to secure his US Port Clearance Pass via TSA as well as his CDL permit- with which he is able to drive farm equipment, including semi trucks within 100 miles of the farm. Next week he will be taking his CDL driving test and Lord willing will start driving up to the ports where hay is shipped out in containers to Asia. He has been able to take the older children along a few times on these local runs which has been a blessing.
This 'big rig' has 2 trailers! It never ceases to amaze  me how quickly my husband can learn to do new things.. first day on his own he was put into a truck like this one. Thankfully it was an automatic.. which he had for a few days before moving to a 12 speed manual!

Unloading the hay

Some of these local hay barns here are absolutely enormous!

More unloading..

Helping dad.. many afternoons I was able to meet Grady somewhere and let the boys make a few runs with him. There was a push especially in September when there was still hay on the fields which needed to go into barns before the weather changed. Grady worked many long hours in Sept but having the boys along made the long hours more enjoyable for sure!

Grant catches a ride!

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