Monday, October 27, 2014

Happy 23rd Birthday Ashley Elizabeth!

Unbeknownst to Ashley, the Page ladies had arranged a surprise birthday tea party for her! Upon arriving to their home, we saw this cute banner on their front door which read 'Page Garden Cafe'

The ladies had prepared the most lovely tea and light lunch! And Willow had made and decorated a lovely cake along with little cupcakes! It was so yummy.. with chai flavored filling! Mmm!

And tea cups were lined up.. including 2 manly mugs for the boys!

And 2 for the little girls..

A birthday message for Ash

Watching Ashley open her gifts

The ladies had cut out over 20 maple leaves out of beautiful fall colored paper, each with a blessing for Ashley or with an Godly attribute that they see in her life. So special! They also showered her with many other gifts. She felt so special & spoiled!

Posing with her pretty cake
Posing with the pretty cake decorator!

Tea, warming on the stove

Ryan, with  his manly cup- really enjoyed the prayer, tea and goodies

We are blessed with such sweet friends! The Lord is so good to us!

Later that evening, Mandy and the boys watched the little girls so that Daddy and I could take Ash out to Burgerville for delicious burgers and fries! Happy 23rd birthday dear Ashley. You are such a blessing and joy to have in our family. It is such a blessing to watch you grow more and more daily.. to let go of those things which are not pleasing to God and seeking his face and being changed into His image. You are a treasure and a Godly friend to me, your mama.



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