Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Sweethearts After All These Years

After months of preparing to move and being super busy, the children decided that Valentines Day was a good day for Grady and I to have a date night. Now in SLC, the restaurant is open later than  Western Dairies so we stopped off there FIRST for dessert.. (they have yummy ice cream!) and then onto the Golden Corral for dinner.  Unconventional I know but we sure enjoyed it! :-)

Ashley snapped a picture of us in front of the mango tree before we headed out
And actually it is a good thing that we filled up at Western Dairies first.. because The Golden Corral was soo busy, it being Valentines Day, that they actually forgot our order. No, really. After visiting for 1 /1/2 hours we suddenly realized that we still had not gotten our food. And that other customers had come and gone after we had ordered! They were super apologetic and got our food very quickly once they discovered their mistake. They were super professional and kind. It was a very understandable mistake. But like I said, we were happy for that first course of coffee and rum raison ice cream! It was a blessing to catch up and spend some alone time. Town shuts down at 8:30 so it wasn't a late night but very enjoyable nonetheless. I love you honey! Thank you for being such a wonderful husband and daddy! X0X0X0

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