Thursday, December 20, 2012

Our Snowbunnies

Next week we plan to travel to the mountains to play in the snow! With all of the snow pants, gloves, sleds and hats laying around, the children have been getting more and more snow crazy! Finally Grant organized an imaginary snow day where he helped Grace and Laura get all dressed up in their snow clothes and proceeded to give free sled rides in the grass. It was so cute. 

All dressed up with no where to snow!

Even Gracie's baby was all bundled up!

You want me to climb into that thing?


Then, the most wonderful thing happened..... a few days after their dry run it really truly did SNOW!

Laura was one of the first to notice the snow! ''What's THAT''?
She had no memory of ever seeing snow!

What a beautiful sight
The birds came a-visiting all day, looking for food

The last rose of the year, just outside the living room window

After the snow stopped the children got all dressed and braved the elements
Yay! REAL snow!

Can you tell from this picture that Laura had been up all night with the flu?
Can you believe we let her go outside?

Well who could resist this face?


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