Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Home Sweet Home

Amanda,Laura and Mama arrived in Dallas on New Years Eve and headed on to Portland on the 1st. My (Kelly) mother picked us up at the airport and we now are at the King's home in Chehalis. Mandy had her first appointment with the doctor yesterday. Unfortunately the hospital in BZ will not be faxing her original records as they had originally agreed to which will mean re-doing some of the tests. Perhaps that is for the best anyhow. Amazingly enough, both the doctor visit and tests are being donated. What an answer to prayer! Later today I will be taking Amanda to the hospital for some lab work. Please keep her in your prayers as we continue trying to determine what is going on with our sweetheart.


missionarymomma said...

Kelly, can Grady just go and pick up the records and then fax them directly?

I was thinking you all had a copy of her records at home.

McDonald Family said...

They had told us to come to BZ city to pick the hard copies up so we attempted to do so on the way to the airport but had closed early. They told Grady they would fax them instead to WA but then there was another issue with that.? We emailed photographs of some of the lab work etc as we do not have a fax or copier at the house but there were DR notes the WA doc wants and some of the emailed pics were not readable. So doing the best we can from up here- I am SURE you can relate! ;). Blessings!

Chrissie O'Bryan said...

Does Amanda get to see Willow Page? Christian O'