Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Blessed Beyond Measure

We have been so encouraged by our visit with the King Family. We are so blessed to have them here with us. In addition, they brought with them Amanda's wonderful friend Willow. Spending time singing together, serving together and being together has been like 'old times' and yet even better probably because we know that the time is short this time.. funny how much more you appreciate the most wonderful things in your life when you know that it may not be there forever. I won't think about that now though! :) For now we are having such a wonderful time with one another.. we praise Jesus that He provided for them to come for a visit!

In addition, Valley Christian Fellowship and the wonderful brothers and sisters there have made us ladies dresses as well as sent suitcases of things that we were in desperate need of: well and goodies too of course! ( :> ) Phebe and the ladies sent us wonderful things such as fabric, sponges, pans, nuts, socks, shirts and pants for the boys... SO many things which are expensive or hard to find here! Thank you so much brothers and sisters. Your kindness has been such an encouragement to us.

Also, we had food funds and 3 totes full of children's clothing donated by friends and family. We have already been able to bless a few families with both the food and clothing. We thank the Lord for his provision for the few families that the Lord has placed in our lives here in Belize. We praise the Lord that he has allowed us to be his hands and feet in their lives. And while we are able to provide some small practical needs, please pray for them who also are in desperate spiritual need. They need Jesus Christ as their provision, Lord and Savior.

Sharing a meal with the Kings at Rosa's

Willow has been good medicine for Amanda ♥

Willow and I sorting through the huge pile of clothing

Jonna and Gracie

Jeremy had originally asked if we could possibly find a house near ours to rent for the month. This would allow them to have a bit of family time and privacy. Little did all of us know that the Lord would provide a portable house which could be moved and placed just 10 feet from our house. :)

Laura and Becca enjoy the downpour

Thou shalt the Lord rely,

So safe shalt thou go on;

Fix on his work thy steadfast eye,

So shall thy work be done.- Paul Gerhardt


Bear not a single care thyself,

One is too much for thee;

The work is mine, and mine alone;

Thy work? To rest in Me.- unknown


www.babyhomepages.net/tenlittleinions said...

Rejoicing with you. What a blessing it is to have friends around. So glad to hear of the many huge care packages you recieved from the States filled with goodies, clothes and food.

Christian O'Bryan said...

Tell Willow i said, "Hi." Enjoy the times with your friends! ZLove you guys

Pioneer Mom said...

Hmmm, that trailer looks mighty familiar! It was our home for the first half year of our life here...with 3 children! We were thankful for it too.

McDonald Family said...

Pioneer Mom~ It is a cozy little place! We were greatful to have it here for their visit..

McDonald Family said...

Christian- it was so fun to have her here..We already miss her! I bet you miss them also.. :(