Thursday, October 13, 2011

Life Goes On

I sit here with my two middle girls very ill. It seems strange to do something as petty as blogging right now but Gracie has finally gone to sleep and both Ashley and Amanda have encouraged me to keep up on the blog. I appreciate that my girls have been so helpful to snap photos for me since arriving in Belize.. if it were not for my 2 favorite photographers, we wouldn't have photos TO blog! Thank you girls ♥

The weather has been much nicer these past few weeks. It has gotten down to the mid 70's a few of the days! Of course with the heat index the 'real feel' even on a day like that is in the upper 80's but even that feels cool to us now.. The children have been enjoying the sunshine and moderate temperatures. The boys have been working on projects around the house and keeping the beautiful trees and yard trimmed with their machetes. The little girls have been playing happily on the back 'porch', driveway and carport. Both of them have settled down a bit and seem to be so much happier these days!

Anyone who knows Ashley, knew *this* was inevitable!

Our precious 15 month old.. (still not walking! A typical McDonald baby)

At the hospital

Ryan was such a help keeping the 'babies' happy during our time in Belize City

Gracie met a new little friend during the long wait for test results.. they are poking at a little turtle which is hiding in the bushes.

This poor mother did all she could to pry her son away from Gracie. She finally left to get her test and left him with us for a while.. such is Central America! ;)

Mandy with some special visitors

Grant with his homemade bow. Good job buddy!

Bath- old fashioned style!

Looking down our driveway toward J. Banman's shop and the main road


Where do the years go? Weren't Ashley and Mandy just this age? As my best friend from home says "These ARE the good old days!" Lord, thank you for these precious days..

4 comments: said...

Great photos. said...

You are going to look back on these days and have such compassion for newcomers.

Hang on, sista. The Lord will carry you through.

McDonald Family said...

♥ Thank you for your encouragement ♥

missionarymomma said...

"Life goes on" Now you really do sound like a Mennonite. :-)