Sunday, October 30, 2011

Laura Jean

James 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above...

Recently we were chided for having so many names for Laura. I do not know why we always give our children so many nicknames.. well I guess when you have as many people in a family as we do, everyone wants to get in on the action! Here are Laura's current nicknames:

Lulu, Lala, Lobelia, Lucy, Lucinda, Lolly, Lori and Ashley's favorite LaTicha (? where did she get that?)

My current favorite is Lucy. It just seems to fit her. Well whatever we happen to be calling her on any given day, our youngest daughter has been such a joy and blessing to our family. Much of the time she just plays contently by herself. She also loves playing with Grace and is daily learning more and more the ways of being a little girl instead of my baby. She 'gets' jokes now and is always watching carefully what everyone else thinks is funny and what everyone else thinks is serious. Recently she has been fussing at night to nurse and also being very 'grabby' in public, making a scene if she wants mama. Dad and I decided that maybe it is time for her to be weaned except for at night.. so I went to the store and bought a bottle in order to switch her to cows milk during the day.. well luckily for her it leaks like crazy and was promptly thrown in the trash! So my little baby gets to continue to be my baby for a few more days until I get another bottle from the store that is! Her other favorite 'yum-yums'are homemade yogurt and watermelon. And her vocabulary is growing daily. She currently says Mama, Da, Ashley, Mandy,bike, up, down, uh oh, baby, dog and kitty. In sign she knows please, up, more, all gone, milk, thank you, more and all done. The signing has been a wonderful tool to use while her verbal vocabulary catches up. I just love this age and watching her process what is going on around in her little world. You can almost hear her brain working and making so many new connections daily. We give thanks to the Lord for this most precious little blessing.. our family would be so incomplete without her.

Laura Jean, 15 Months Old

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