Monday, June 20, 2011

Brad's Graduation

The family had an interesting trip to Seattle to attend a celebration for Kelly's brother Brad who graduated from the University of Washington. The picnic was right in Grady's old stomping grounds near Greenlake, in the heart of Seattle. There we saw hundreds of people.. walking their dogs, jogging, skating. Not too many children unlike when Grady and I were growing up in the area. Kinda eerie really. But lots and lots of dogs! We felt very obvious and out of place. Here in liberal Washington you NEVER see plain people, anyone wearing a covering. I mean absolutely never.. At one point my father, who is known to be QUITE the outspoken character, was loudly exclaiming "why dontcha just take a picture?" Our children were such a blessing to us though. They just shone of the Lord Jesus. At one point Ashley and Amanda rounded up the boys and they took off to the other side of the lake to hand out tracts. They had many decent discussions and many not-so-great discussions. We were blessed that they felt led to do that. Then it was time to go on to our next destination which I will leave for the next post.

Kelly's brother Brad and father Mark

(taken last year)

A heron along with a troop of turtles (can you see them?)

My Grant-ly boy

Kelly's dad with Hank

Some of the family

Cousin Dana

Mandy visiting with grandpa

The boys and Gracie at the lake

My big boy

cute picture Ash! :)

1 comment:

missionarymomma said...

What a blessing that your children were passing out tracts.

Gracie looks like a doll feeding those ducks.