Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Tillamook Cheese Factory & Cape Meares Lighthouse

Grandma Barb invited us to spend the day with her at the Oregon Coast. We met up at the Wonderful Tillamook Cheese Factory

Soon after we arrived, we received a text from Katie saying that she had had her baby James! Here we are, seeing a pic of our little nephew James for the first time!

A vintage pic of Tillamook Cheese Factory

Taste Testing the cheese at the end of the tour

The squeaky cheese reminded us of the Belizean cheese we used to make!

After the taste testing we indulged in some delicious Tillamook Ice Cream! Yummy!

We then headed off to Cape Meares Lighthouse

Daddy help Gracie look at some sea birds

Laura's Turn!

Such a pretty lighthouse!

A volunteer was out at the park.. she helped the little girls watch a new clutch of Peregrine Falcons which were located on the cliff across the way 

Time to head home!
Cape Meares Lighthouse, July 2015
Amanda 21, Grace 7, Grant 13, Laura 5, Ryan 17, Ashley 23


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Beating the Summer Heat!

 We have so many photos of us down at Brownsville Park, A.K.A our backyard taken this summer, that I figure I'd better just do one long post of our fun down at the river. Many evenings throughout the summer we would pack our dinner down to the park to cool off and swim.


Daddy is giving some skipping rocks tips. So cute!


Even Ryan, who spent a lot of his time working the harvest was able to join in the fun a few times!
For his 17th birthday, we ordered pizza and headed-yup, to the river! Partially to avoid the heat but also to enjoy the beautiful area in which we live. All the children, olders and littles, enjoyed building a little dam and swimming together