This is the fourth year of harvest for Ryan.. Second year for Grant. Both boys were promoted to the very desired positions of balers. For 7 weeks they both worked 6 days a week, 14 hours a day.. living 1 hour from work added lots of drive-time from past summers. Our special friends who live near their farm shop in Halsey offered the boys to stay with them through the five remaining weeks of harvest. That was such a blessing as that provided them an extra hour and a half a night of precious sleep. It was difficult for us to have them living away from home during that time, M-Saturday. We would only see them on Saturday nights and Sundays. Grady, who works at the shop where the boys were based out of was able to see them daily which was a blessing! We were all happy when harvest ended and the boys came home!
My guys, carpooling to work
Grant with his tractor
Ryan and his equipment for after-harvest dirt work
The first few weeks of harvest when the boys had their hour drive they would normally get home at 1 am and leave at 6 am. Many nights their sisters would stay up to greet them! Made for some long nights!
Sundays were lazy days! We would head to church and then head straight home for quiet family time.. these boys are so responsible and hard-working! We are so proud of them!
Grace, getting puppy loves!
Mandy with Biscuit!
Our special friend Autumn Grace and Ash take a trail ride!