Ash got a new camera! She has been busily watching youtubes and instructional videos to figure out how to use it. Its much more intricate than her last one. She is going to help snap a few photos at a wedding this weekend so is trying to learn as much as she can.
The current rental we are at is heavily landscaped. We live on 2 city parcels and the woman who owned it prior to our landlady was a master gardener.. there are some amazing treasures peeking up out of the soil right now. Sadly we are moving to the country (well, *that's* not sad!!!!!!!) so we wont be able to see all that this place has to offer in the summertime.. I can already see hints of gladiolas, peonies, herbs, blueberries, lilacs, budding butterfly bushes, heliotrope, violets, quince..tulips, and SO many more beauties!
..speaking of beauties!
This one's going in a frame!
I love the black & white
Pretty Mandy
I think this is a holly bush?? Could be wrong..
We've already had a few visitors to this hummingbird feeder!
Sleepy guy after a hard day's work!
Laura, breaking into our vintage bookshelf. Her current favorite reads are history books
from the early 1900's. When we first moved back to the area, a family from the Valley gave us a ton of things free, left over from an estate sale. Including about 200 books from the late 1800's-the mid 1900's. We have had so much fun looking through them! Especially the 20 volume set of encyclopedia's from 1920!
After-dinner snack
Examining his new fly rod! Now for that trip to New Zealand....!!!