When asked what she wanted to do for her birthday- Gracie chose going to the library! (another budding bookworm!) When asked what she wanted for her birthday dinner she chose lentils & rice. This girl would live on lentil and rice if we let her! We let the girls hang out for extra time at the library this day. They really enjoyed putting on a puppet show for us. Grace's favorite books right now are the Boxcar Children books, Anne of Green Gables, Little Women, the Secret Garden, the Little Princess and Pollyanna. We are so proud of how well this amazing little one reads!
Grace's friends from Belize sent her a photo of the birthday cake they baked her!
Such sweet friends! <3 p="">
Daddy presents Grace's birthday cake!
Happy Birthday *Dear Gracie!* Happy Birthday to you!
We are so proud of our little love. For who she is. For who God is making her into.. She has overcome so many fears and anxieties. She is loving life and learning how to trust God during her difficult times and trials. We are so, so proud of this little one who started her life with a lot to overcome. She is a blessing and a joy to us all. WE LOVE OUR GRACIE-BABY!!