Friday, July 15, 2011

~Chore Time~

The children love to help around the house! Here are some snapshots of work around the home..

And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ. Colossians 3:23-24

Ryan, Grant and Grace harvest the delicious strawberry harvest. They ate as many as came up to the kitchen I think! :)

Gracie feeding the chickens some scraps

Ashley loves to mow. This particular day she was out there for 3 hours! The lawn looked like a park when she was finished with it!

Always willing to lend a hand, Grant is weeding with Mama and baby Laura

Our up and coming gardener

Mandy is always such a cheerful helper!

Ryan and Gracie painting the dog house to sell at our upcoming garage sale

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Camping With Nana and Papa~ Battle Ground Lake Park

We had the wonderful opportunity to go camping with Nana, Papa, Maia, her family and Jasmine with her children. We all had such a nice time visiting, preparing food, going on walks and roasting smores. The boys also enjoyed fishing at the lake and actually caught a few fish with the cousins.. :) We all had such a great time! Ashely also was able to see one of the puppies she had bottle fed. Wow had he grown! :) The whole trip always will be a very fond family memory. ♥

All the Grandkids

The Crew!

Nana~ ♥

Little Laura ♥


Cousin Austin

Cousin Justin




Mama Dear

Cousin Dasha-Doll


Jasmine and Dasha

Cousin Milo


Jasmine, Maia and Papa Ben~

Mama and Nana ~♥

Gracie sitting with the girls

Darling Ana, Dasha and Laura

Yummy Watermelon

Mangos and Chocolate (Is this really camping food? Maia and Papa Ben always go all out! :) )

Chocolate on Strawberries

Shish Kabobs for Dinner :D

A beautiful dragonfly~

What a view!

Amanda and Ashley enjoyed a quiet walk around the lake

Fishing with Daddy

"catch anything yet?"

Rye on the dock

Ashley and Puddles :P

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

♥♥♥Laura Turns One!♥♥♥

Our precious little Laura turned one on the tenth of July! (Yes, we are very behind in updating our blog!) She is getting to be such a big girl.. Sniff, sniff.... She is crawling around everywhere, trying to stand by herself, and has her very first tooth. Her favorite things to do are playing in the sandbox with Gracie and chewing on her Sofie the giraffe. :)

Laurie playing with Sophie. Mama made her this beautiful birthday dress!

~I remember first meeting you at the hospital Laura.. You were so tiny and sweet! Gracie was very excited to meet you too! She loved holding you and inspecting your little eyes, nose and ears! :) She just couldn't get enough of you. We were all very sad when Daddy had to take us all back home again. :( Wow, have you grown since then! I pray the Lord Jesus will become your best friend and that you will love and obey Him for the rest of your life! You are so special to us Laura. What a blessing and a joy you are to our family! ♥ ~ Sister Ashley

Visiting you at the hospital~

Love at first sight! Grant, Laura, Gracie and Ashley~

Mama, Gracie and Baby Laura ♥


Laura enjoying her birthday watermelon~

Mama and Laura ♥

'Larusha's new swim suit Mama made! ♥

We love our Laura! She is such a blessing to our family.