The King family allowed us to rent their home from them at a lowered cost in exchange for doing a few fix-ups and minor repairs before being put on the market. The house is on the market now, the list is finished.. time to move again until our big move BACK to BZ, Lord willing in the fall!
Ryan gets to work tearing down the fort in the front yard!
He got it down in a manner of just a half hour!
Grady replaced the flooring in the dining room and kitchen..
The floor looked super nice after it was completed!
Outside, the younger children are doing some yard work!
Looks nice Grant!
Gracie gets a ride
Laura..' hmmm.. raking looks fun!'
What are they up to now? It appears that Grant has covered a box in yard clippings..
To make a bed for this over-worked 5 year old! ;)
And her baby of course!
Ok now that's creative... it's a grassmobile!
The Kings came up from their new home in Oregon for a few days in order to load up the rest of their things and help with the last minute clean up and prep for their house. Also, we had our last home fellowship meeting with the Kings and another family.
The King children give rides on their go-cart
These guys have been friends for 7 years! Hard to imagine..
We got quite a bit nostalgic while cleaning up and packing to leave. We had made so many wonderful memories in that house with the King family..the beginning of our small fellowship 5 years ago with the Kings and the Gray family, picnics, parties, classes, sing-alongs, birthday celebrations, shared meals, work parties, Bible studies, prayer meetings.. the list goes on and on. Well, I suppose there are new memories to make and new fellowship to be enjoyed. But there will always be something extra sweet about the times spent here. With our very special friends.