Saturday, February 25, 2017

Christian Love

It had been a very long push to make it all the way to San Antonio, TX  to make our connection with Orlando, our Belizean friend who was flying in on Wednesday evening and who would be helping us through Mexico. We had experienced storms, car problems, grumpy children, delays and difficulties (along with a lot of fun things too of course! :-) I think we were all a little exhausted and road weary.. Wednesday was a free day though-since we had arrived in San Antonio Tuesday night we had most all day Wednesday to run errands and purchase a few additional things needed for Belize and the trip

 Ashley, Amanda, Grant & Timmy took the little kids into McDonalds to play for a little bit while the dads & Ryan went into Home Depot.

Looks like Grant needs a little pick me up here! :-)

We were both parked at the Home Depot when a SUV pulled into the parking lot. It turned out to be a Christian brother and sister from Romania. He encouraged us in the Lord, told us to seek Jesus and was so blessed to hear how both our families were going to Belize and seeking the Lord. He asked if we would be there for a while- and if they could get us Costco  pizzas for lunch!


Brother Val & his sweet wife

We were very grateful that Val prayed very specifically- that our vehicles would have no mechanical issues, that the children would not get any diseases and that we would be protected from evil people. This man was such a truly filled follower of our Lord Jesus. He encouraged us that wherever and whatever God calls us to that we would have faith and follow him always.. and encouraged us to continue to seek and place our faith in  Jesus-not systems or denominations. What a blessing!!

The not only brought pizza but also apples, soda, strawberries, cookies, bagels, juice and even a huge Costco cake!
We all were so encouraged in the Lord! 

 Romans 15:5 “May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus.” (NIV)

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