Monday, November 18, 2013

A Little Goes a Long Way..

Our friend from India who is of the untouchable caste.. asked this week if we could help with anything to feed his boys.. He runs a boy's home in India and is so desparately poor that recently had to make the hard decision to pare the boys' meals down to ONE PER DAY. We had no extra money when the request came in but one of our children had just received $100 and had been asking the Lord how it should be used.. hours later Bobby's sister was able to receive the gift from our child, all the way in India and purchase all this food! Now, I don't know about you, but that seems like a some-what small amount...$100.00.. Sisters and brothers, as you are making your budget out for the upcoming Thanksgiving meal and Christmas festivities.. PLEASE view these precious photos we received from Bobby yesterday. A LITTLE GOES A LONG WAY! There are children all over the world who do not have anything to eat today.. ask our heavenly father how he would like you to spend your money this season... you may just be as blessed and humbled as we have been this week..

A delicious meal prepared for the boys
Dishing UP!

Thanking God for His Provision
Their sign quotes Mark 9:37
37 “Whoever receives one of these little children in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me, receives not Me but Him who sent Me.”


May the Lord give us all a  heart for those 'the least of these'..


Jaimn said...

Thank you for this post. How can we help/where do we help?

We've been watching videos of persecutions in No. Korea and China. Makes it hard to eat a good meal after seeing children eat off the ground. :(

McDonald Family said...

Greetings Jaimn- I know what you mean! :-) even a meal of rice and beans is a luxury to many.. If you would like to email us, I can give you ways to give to our Indian friend. Did you ever read the starfish story? About a million starfish on the shore.. While wandering the beach gazing at the sad sight an old man came upon a boy who was carefully picking up starfish one by one and tossing them back into the sea.. The man exclaimed, why bother? You will not be able to save them all. The boy looked at the starfish in his hand and slowly said 'No, but I can save this one' there is SO much need in the world that it does seem overwhelming.. May we do what the Lord gives us to do and pray more do so also, especially those in the family of God. Feel free to contact us so that we can introduce you to B. we would be so blessed to see he and his boys better supported. :-)