Friday, July 12, 2013

Happenings around the Home

It has been a busy spring but a lovely one. Friends and sunshine.. answered prayers and lots of ministry opportunities. We are truly blessed. Here are a few photos of some random things on random days where we are doing not much of anything but just being a family and spending time with friends.

Gracie helps Daddy in the kitchen

Ashley and Grace work on sewing projects

Ryan and Grant show us the fort they have been working on
Ashely plays around with the sepia setting
Grant had an unfortuanate incident with a rock flying from the riding mower
and had to get stitches!
Thankfully our new friend Janet is a nurse and was able to take them out after 1 week's time
Our new friend Janet
She works with rocks.. beautiful ones! The children recently had the opportunity to watch her take this rough rock- cut it and polish it down with 6 different polishers, each grit growing finer and finer until the stone was shaped and polished. She and the children talked about how that is like us with the Lord. He takes us, rough and full of imperfections.. and if we let him, polishes us until we shine for Him and for HIS glory! What a lovely analogy for them to witness and ponder.

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