Thursday, January 3, 2013

A Special Snow Day

Mt. Rainier Snow Day! 

The drive up to the mountain was spectacular!

The road to the snow park hadn't been plowed for 2 days.. we followed the snowplow up the hill to the park. It was snowing hard.. all of the sled runs were deep fluffy snow and took a long time to smooth down into slick fun runs. It was snowing SOOO hard! Brrr.. and Fun... :)

Grant and Grace

Mandy, Ryan and Grant head to the top of the hill

Now it's Gracie's turn. We were interested to see how she liked it. Grace does not usually do well with fast motions or feeling like she is out of control. Having Mama up there helped her get the courage to sled down the hill.

'Ready Gracie?'

Wheee! She loved it!

There goes Amanda!

'Faster Ashley!'

I think Grant could have stayed there ALL day!

Grady and Rye watch the children come down the hill

Children line up for the sled run

Ryan joins the line
Laura, age 2 1/2

Grace, age 4 (almost 5!)
Grant, age 11
Ryan, age 14
Amanda, age 18
Ashley, age 21

The snow was so thick that it was hard to see across the field

Aunt Katie, Ashley and I *think* Amanda wore this snowsuit!


This is how deep the snow was!

After a while, we all headed down the hill back to the parking lot. The sledding was more exciting there because the snow was already packed down, not fluffy. Grant was such a sweetie, pulling Laura (who was STILL enjoying lying on her back and eating snow) all around the parking lot

Grant's turn!

Grace needs a little pick-me-up!
Cocoa will do the trick!


Laura is still lying on her back in the sled, eating snowflakes

There's a smile! She musta just needed a warm up!

Laura, still lying on her back, enjoying the ride!

And eating snowflakes!
Waiting while her sisters use the restroom before heading back down the mountain and head home..


Our Precious Treasures
December 27, 2012

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This looks like such a special day. I can't believe you brought hot cocoa along. What a great idea! The last shot with all of the children so needs to be in a frame. It's perfect. Sj