Friday, November 9, 2012

Fall Fellowship

This past Sunday was a particularly warm Washington day.. crisp and beautiful! We had a wonderful day of fellowship. After the official meeting, the children had such a fun time raking up the leaves and jumping into the piles! At one point it turned into an all-out leaf fight! I just had to post some of these pics.. to remember this fun day of warm autumn fellowship with friends..


The leaf princess


"I'm gonna get you daddy!"
"Oh no you aren't!"

What is Ryan up to?

A sneak surprise.. little did dad know Ryan's coat was FILLED with leaves!


There goes Ash!

A special sister in Christ


Anonymous said...

I have been following your blog for a little while and was wondering you get your patterns for your dresses, especially the cape dresses you ladies wear and the pinafore dresses too. I am needing to change my wardrobe and am looking for modest patterns.
Thank you and God bless you!

Alincoln74 said...

Hi Grady and family
Are you getting ready for some good
warm weather in Belize ?
Its around 60F in the mornings.
God Bless you all

McDonald Family said...

Hi Ruth~ welcome to our blog! I know what it is like to be looking for new ideas for clothing.. it is so difficult to find patterns.The girls and I started by ordering ready-made dresses from Gehman's Fabrics, both for the little girls and us ladies. They also sell patterns for home use which is much more cost effective! :) Also, have you seen the King's Daughter's pattern website? I have linked both sites below. As you begin to sew your own dresses, you will most likely alter the patterns to fit your own liking. For example, one of my favorte patterns is the 'Melinda' on the King's Daughter's website but I omitted the collar and changed the sleeves.. and added the nursing cape to it. As far as the little pinafore dresses for the girls, I first found a used Gap pinafore at a market in Belize and had a local lady there copy it and make more! :) But I have noticed if you search patterns on ebay you can sometimes find things like that from the 80's and older. I hope this helps. Here are a few links to patterns we like. And also I would encourage us to remember this:
' As we seek the Lord in the area of dress, we should also remember how important it is to not only be clothed modestly and simply, but also to have our hearts clothed with that inward beauty and peace that comes only from a heart that is fully surrendered to His will and way in our lives. This is where true modesty and simplicity begins.'

McDonald Family said...

Greetings brother Abe! Yes, 60 sounds better than 40! We plan, Lord Willing to return to Belize in late May. We look forward to seeing your precious family once more.
PS~ We missed you on Thanksgiving :)