Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Cool Evening~

The past few days have been soo refreshing and cool! One of the things that Grady has been wanting to do since we got here was to take the family down to the river. Most locals here do not visit the river during the rainy season as it tends to be very muddy. Consequently our visit to the Belize River in Spanish Lookout proved to be very private as there were no other visitors..

The Belize River

Laura had a very lovely time crunching on the sun-baked gritty beige sand while the boys and Grace made a dam and the older girls threw the ball for Molly and snapped some photos.

Dad marveled at how different the river looks now as opposed to when he visited in the dry season back a few years ago. I was not quite as brave as he was (especially after seeing the killer green-headed racer earlier in the day) and stayed at the beach while he bushwhacked and looked around.

Later in the evening I was quite thrown off when someone asked me if we had bathed while down there.. bathed? Oh, just one of those cultural differences and examples of word differences. Abe assured me that the well meaning lady meant swimming, not BATHING. Although he did tell us that sometimes his family *will* bring a bar of soap down to the river with them.. :O

1 comment:

missionarymomma said...

HA! You are a great writter. What fun to read this. How were the bugs there?