Monday, July 25, 2011

Back on the farm- Selling eggs! (or not...)

It was so hard to have Ashley gone for almost 2 weeks! We all missed her so much. ♥ But absence does indeed make the heart grow fonder and it just made her homecoming that much more wonderful.

In the meantime, we had some fun experiences. One of these was putting up signs for Farm Eggs for sale... No, none of the eggs sold but the boys had a wonderful time putting up the signs!

The Jolly Chicken Boy!

Looking for some eggs? Right this way!

While Rye was working hard on the signs...

Grant was doing wheelies in the road! :)

Even though they didn't sell any eggs, I think the boys had a superb time putting up signs!

~ Amanda

~Ashley's Idaho Trip~

Recently I had the great opportunity to go to Idaho with our close friends the Kings. About 3 or so months ago, one of the King's closest family members lost their home due to a house fire. However, the Family of God gathered enough funds to rebuild! We were in Idaho to help in an ole' fashioned house raising! The men got a lot done in such a short amount of time~ Praise the Lord there were no serious injuries as the closest hospital was over 2 hrs away! A couple of the young men there did get chased by a bear however.. :O

Everyone worked from sunup till sundown. The Lord showed himself mightily in so many ways during that week.. many answered prayers..

I had never been away from my family for that long ( 1 1/2 weeks) and it really taught me to lean on Him and cry out to Him in times of loneliness. He really used that experience in my life to draw me closer to Himself and teach me that I am nothing without Him! ♥ It was very nice to catch up with everyone and the Lord really blessed our time together.. We had such sweet times of fellowship. Thank you Lord for your body of believers~

Me in my element!

Feeding the horses


The stairs

Raising a wall

The outdoor kitchen

Handsome Baby Matthew

Timmy and Joshua finding some frogs

Sisters in the LORD ♥

Doing the laundry~

Susanna and I

Me with the S girls... We have missed them so much since they moved to Idaho! :( It was so nice to spend time with them again. This is the family who we lived with in an oversized rambler for 1 1/2 years! We grew very close in that period of time.

Here is what the house looked like when we left! So much work done in so little time.

My trip to Idaho was a great experience. I am so glad that I got to go! However, I am quite happy to be home again. ♥


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Ballard Locks

During one of our recent trips to Seattle, we visited the Ballard Locks. The locks connect Lake Washington to the Puget Sound. Here is a definition of exactly what a lock does and is:

"A lock is a device for raising and lowering boats between stretches of water of different levels on river and canal waterways. The distinguishing feature of a lock is a fixed chamber in which the water level can be varied; whereas in a caisson lock, a boat lift, or on a canal inclined plane, it is the chamber itself (usually then called a caisson) that rises and falls. Locks are used to make a river more easily navigable, or to allow a canal to take a reasonably direct line across land that is not level."

The view from the Puget Sound side of the locks. This photo shows the fresh water of Lake Washington spilling into the sea waters of the Puget Sound

These ships are entering the locks from the Lake Washington side. The gate will be shut behind them and the level of the water will be lowered until they can enter the Sound.

Going Down!

Even Further..

Almost there now~

There they go, entering into the Puget Sound where they will travel under the Ballard Bridge which had to be raised in order for this very tall sailboat to pass..

The Ballard Bridge

Viewing the Locks

Rye spots a harbor seal

The fun 'Stairs' at the locks..

Our 4 middle stair-steps! ♥

Coming Down!

Another Shot of the Ballard Bridge which had been lowered once again in order for this Amtrak Train to pass over. What a fun day! (Even though we missed you Ash! Hurry home from Idaho)

...and MORE fishing!

John S., Ben B., Dad and the boys enjoy an early (and wet) morning at Plumber's Lake

Ryan's very close buddy John S.

The self taught fly fisherman. Looking good Rye!

Grant on a special date with Daddy at Chehalis River

The boys with Dad at Plumber's Lake

Ryan and Grant with best buddies John and David S. (they sure are gonna miss these guys!

Catch of the day

Our little fisherman